Listen to the road

Sunday, July 6, 2014

More dogs and pc problems

Lately the word processor part of my pc has gone mad. Probably
a program conflict. It' frustrating to type what I want to say. 
Screaming with irritation I watch entire blocks
of text turn blue and disappear and letters rearrange themselves
like ants on the page. So, first thing, if anyone has
a link or some way to fix this I'll be in your debt.

This is my immediate problem and I'm wringing as much positive as
I can from it. Other than that, I'm noticing several  bloggers I
read questioning the value of blogging. Must be something in the air.

The first photo is of me and Big Dog about 12 years ago. I'm going to paint him.
I finally got the first layer of Opie's  portrait so it shows his attitude and
personality so I think I may be able to tackle another special dog from my life.

So this is what I'm thinking about blogging in general. I keep seeing
techniques on 'monetizing' your blog and promoting what you make
to sell. Yeah, this is what we need to do in a crummy economy to some extent. 

But there's a point when this gets in the way of what I enjoy;
meeting other artists and crafts people who may be on the same road.
Learning from their experience, sharing what I'm doing and
pushing to learn new skills is the main goal. It's not that
don't have friends in the real world. It's that blogging and meeting others
online have resulted in knowing folks I never would have met otherwise.
So, for now I'll put up with the spook in my pc and type the same sentence
six times because I know there are good folks out here.

 Lately I've been painting...

and not thinking so much about selling. This may change but I doubt it.


  1. I've been exactly where you are now.
    Wondering if I should try to make money off of my blog
    and if I should even blog at all.
    This is what I have found for myself.
    I have some blogger friends that make some money but it's because they have a huge following and they are treating it like a full-time job. They are also"design blogs" so people are going there for ideas and tips and the ads that run are geared towards stores and sites for decorating.
    Since I wanted my blog to be about this and that and everything (although it's usually about my pets) I felt I would need to change my blog to make money and I didn't want to do that.
    And besides, I don't think I have enough Followers to be successful.
    As far as driving people to your blog, I would suggest Pinterest.
    Are you on that? You can list your work on that with tags to the dog breeds and bring people to your blog. You could sell from your blog with a Paypal button.
    As far as the computer problem...I don't know. Mine started to do that and it was apparently about to die. Rather than trying to get the old PC fixed, I bought a laptop, A Toshiba , online from Walmart (even though I usually hate that store) and I've been very happy with it for the last 5 years and it was less than $500 and now I think it's even less. If you do decide to get something else, very soon with college about to start up, there will be deals to be had. I always have to count my pennies so I look for any deal that I can get.
    Finally, just when I question whether I should blog or not, something happens, most recently my Ruby passing, and while I do have people in my life, I have been most lifted up by people that I have never met.
    My online friends. People who actually care enough to read my thoughts and send me a line...if for no other reason than that, I will continue to blog.
    (Big Dog looks like a dog with a lot of soul in his face. Good Luck with your painting! I will be happy to see the results!)

  2. sorry, didn't mean to write a book here! LOL!

  3. Wow, what a supper reply, thanks!

    It took me 5 minutes to type that...ayrggh! I'm at the point where just
    chucking this blasted pc is be.coming the plan (ths to typewhat it wantii.s)
    Se e wat AI mean? Your recommendation is much appreciated!

    About monetizing (I cringe slightly)...I donate a percentage of paintings
    sales to our local, wonderful, no kill shelter, Animal Aid of Hampton, Va. So, I'd like
    to generate sales if only for that reason. Also, these paintings are so
    satisfying to do that they're becoming like Star Trek Tribels around here.
    You've pointed me in some directions I've not considered. Again, thank you!

    Big Dog was a life changer for me. I took myself out of a situation abusive
    to him and saved myself as a result. I don't care where I walk, it's always
    better with a dog beside me! xo Patty

    1. I meant 'super reply', not supper ;).

    2. Also, took him out of the situation then myself. PC, your
      days are numbered!

  4. This is another good post Patty. Many are questioning blogging or redoing the way or how often they blog. I remember reading on a blog shortly after I started blogging how blogging had changed and it's not what it used to be and how they missed the old days of blogging and the more abundant comments, etc. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, has changed the way we share our creative side. Here it is almost 3 years later and I'M the one thinking how blogging has changed and it doesn't feel like the old days, etc. I guess that just means blogging will always be changing? I don't know. I can say this...I backed away from visiting blogs quite a bit recently, but found I missed them. There is something VERY inspiring about visiting artist's blogs...there is so much depth to be had vs just an image on FB. It's like being in a room filled with interesting people and you can finish a conversation and walk across the room and start talking with another interesting person. I can see myself blogging less perhaps, but not quitting altogether.

    As far as selling's easy to link your blog to Etsy or some other online venue and then you don't have to spend the time creating Paypal buttons for every single work you list. I used to do it that way and it was time consuming. Being linked to Etsy has allowed more freedom on my blog to just be about the art and I can quietly post a link to Etsy with the image. People that know my blog and art can find where to purchase it if that's what they want to. I do use Facebook a lot as way to drive traffic to my Etsy. Honestly the sales come from all followers, FB and also Etsy because you do acquire a following there as well over time.

    Sounds like it's time for a new computer. Or have you tried a computer repair shop?

    Your dog paintings are so soulful. I just love all of them. Love that photo of you with your doggy too!

    Happy week to you Patty!


    1. Hey Lisa, thanks for the wise words. Yes, I'm chucking this pc and moving on to something that won't make me crazy. I've squeezed all the positive out of this annoyance and am at the wits end hir pullinga, h stage. HA!

      I do have an etsy store, empty right now, which I'll activate soon. Facebook brings traffic to my local consignment room, though right now most folks are making decisions about food vs medicine, neglecting dental care, etc. I get why people are careful with money. Good thing so many non material
      rewards blossom from online contacts. Enjoy the day! xo Patty

  5. That is hair pullingly frustrating! to have your words come out so jumbled, that's crazy! I love my lap top too and it was under $400. It is an Acer which has good recommendations from Consumer Reports and also from my brother who is a computer geek and bought his whole family Acers. I've only had it two years and it has been trouble free (knock on wood).
    Your portraits are looking good, you really do seem to capture their personality so well.
    Big Dog deserves a portrait too! Glad you two saved each other. My dogs have saved me in the past also. What would we do without them?
    I tried selling on Etsy for two years with not a single sale. Very depressing so now I just give my art away.

  6. Thanks, Jan. I'm taking notes on the laptops. The Acer's price seems right
    too. This one's lasted 5 years-a pretty good run-so I'm going to replace it.

    Giving is a nice way to find a home for art. Lately my finances are evening
    out (I quit buying stuff) so that's working for me. Others aren't able to and
    this may be what's bothering me about the 'monetizing' aspect of making
    that's creeping up in online sharing. Etsy used to be a viable way for makers to sell original made items. Now Etsy lets huge suppliers (not makers) from China saturate the online world with cheap knock offs and
    instant craft stuff."Buy this, glue that onto it and hey, you're an artist!" Oh,
    I'll get off my soapbox now and just continue to give away to select folks.
    Thanks again for the Acer recommendation. xo, Patty


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