Listen to the road

Monday, October 6, 2014

Koi Water Brushes, found art supplies, etc.

 I found my old technical ink pen while clearing out my
studio. Also (finally) found my good set of pan watercolor
paints.  By happy coincidence I'd ordered a Koi Waterbrush.

So daily painting/drawing has a solid place in my schedule.

I took a class in w/c 30 years ago and wasn't impressed with
my results. I think the water brush picks up a small amount
of paint and so keeps any overworking to a minimum. Or
maybe I've grown old enough to know when to stop!

Here is Friend Fox with fall leaves.

 I like the way you can layer pastel over w/c, in this way
showing the sweet, old eyes of a dog with soft, cloudy, age-wise eyes.

You can use pastels, water soluble pencils and most other
drawing tools with pen and (permenant) ink. I use a sepia
color and it blends well with paint.

 I like that it only takes a bit of color with line to suggest

These are mostly on Strathmore series 400 "all media paper"
(thick and doesn't warp) which was on sale at my local store.

I really like this paper.

I'm trying to loosen up my tight style of personality in a fun way. Use line as expression.

This is on tinted drawing paper. Kind of like starting
out with a tinted canvas-easier to punch up lights.
So this is how I'm beginning fall/winter. At least 30 minutes
each day drawing/painting. It's one time of day I can count
on to enjoy. I hope you're enjoying the change of season.


  1. I got a water brush last year and absolutely LOVE it.
    Have you tried Inktense pencils? They are the BEST.
    They are like watercolor but actually ink so that after it dries you can layer over it and it doesn't become muddy.
    It's wonderful that you are dedicating at least 30 minutes a day to Art.
    I need to do that too.
    Great post.

    1. Why am I the last person to discover water brushes?!
      Made an order for several different water brushes by different
      companies. Yes, those inktense pencils are somewhere here.
      The experiments continue. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Fun to see you loosening up with your style. I have really enjoyed your true to life images but these have a lot of character to them too! Glad you are making time for your art again. I've been too busy to do so but the rain is coming and then I'll get back to it.

    1. I'm enjoying loosening up. I decided to put oils aside for awhile and
      get back to drawing. These little colored sketches are fun and quick to finish. Good to hear from you!

  3. Hi Patty! I would say you are back from your break with full force. These are just so wonderful. Fun! I am impressed with how you can paint realistically and then switch to more of an illustrator style. That is really an awesome gift!

    Something about the fourth one tugs at me...those eyes I think. I never thought about pastels over watercolor either. That sounds fun. I will give that a try in my journals.


  4. Hey Lisa! Thank you for that comment. I'm liking the way you can use many
    other media with wc. Those water brushes are Very Helpful in helping me
    change my usual heavy handed wc style. And quick sketches catch more
    personality, I feel. Glad you stopped by!


I appreciate your comments.