Listen to the road

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

First Harvest and a Recipe

Recipe for Collard Greens 

Double armful of Collards
(after first frost is best)
washed and stems clipped

Red pepper flakes, (2 shakes more or less)
Maple syrup, 2 Tblsp or more
Veg or chicken stock, 2 cups
Combine all in a big pot and cook on low
an hour or two.

Friday, October 19, 2018

I'm just glad it's not my job to harvest it all!

Front yard field

Side yard field.

Neighbor's field - done!

Busy time for farmers around here. Most crops are in for the year.
Except cotton. In the early morning it looks like snow in the field.
Soon enough it will be.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Morning visit

This may be why our mice population is down to little
more than zero lately. This handsome boy jumped over the
fence, prowled the front yard awhile, then jumped out.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Cycles and comfort

For awhile I've been spending time in the garden listening.
Leaves, birds, breezes all inviting me back to the present
without my small companion. Life cycles on. 

This came together slowly.
Jude's moon, Deb's dyed fabric/threads and my basket of
dyed cloth.  Only have to finish the boat's eyes in
a deep brown I know by heart.