Listen to the road

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Little altars everywhere!

Every flat surface in the house is covered with these shrines/mementos/altars in some stage of being made.
Some have Boddhisattvas, some have skulls (reminder of death so we can get on with living), some have photos of people who whispered a story when I looked at their faces. Every step has been a learning process-the most exciting part of making.
Once finished I'll hang them for sale in my room at Plantiques.
Also must give my little friend a bath so he can go to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I love your Plantiques and oh no...not a bath for a party...not now Mom I need to take a nap! Happy Thanksgiving Blessings, Mary Helen

  2. Oh, but turkey is allowed on Thanksgiving-well worth a bath!


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