Listen to the road

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Welcome to the world, little lamb!

This little gal made her appearance yesterday. She's large and healthy.
And she'll be making a surprise appearance at Mon storytime. We only live about 5 minutes from the
library so it'll be a fast visit. What a pretty little thing. Thinking of names...
So...if you can think of a pretty name for her let me know. Life is good!


  1. Purse, that's an old fashioned English name, I think. Isn't that just the softest eye? Purse is the first name on our list.

  2. Miss Bliss. She is a beauty. How did the library visit go? Is she the same breed as the beasts in your header? I just love that picture.

  3. Oooooooh this is such a sweet little being!!!!
    Love your woven pieces with the beasts !

  4. Jan, I took photos of each child with the lamb and will print them off for each mom. And yes,
    she's Scottish Black Faced. Another library trip
    is on for today.

    Els, she is sweet. And most likely appear in my
    beast cloths. Thanks!

  5. Oh, that face! She's so beautiful...and her wool, such beautiful colors. Makes my fingers itch to spin.

  6. She has a name, Lily Belle. The two story time groups each came up with a name and the two worked
    well together. Sweet Lily Belle.


I appreciate your comments.